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Student ECO system – support network for students

When you become a student at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË you will have access to a vast array of Student Support Teams, on hand to support you through every step of your journey. They will assist you whilst you are on your programme of study, and when you are deciding on your next step after College, whether that’s another course, employment, an apprenticeship or further study such as higher education.

View Student ECO system – support network for students (PDF) explains each role in more detail.

Current Students

If you are already a current student you can contact any of these teams through the »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Student Sharepoint site.

Young Careers Champions

Are you a young carer who takes on regular or ongoing care and support for another family member (usually a parent or sibling) with a physical or mental illness, a disability, or who is struggling with substance misuse? If the answer is yes, we have a team on hand to support and mentor you through your time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË offering advice and guidance about the support you are eligible for and to support to make any adjustments to you time at college. To contact the Young Carers Champions email: PastoralCoaches@derby-college.ac.uk

For more information read the Derby College Group Policy – Looked After Young People, Care Leavers and Young Carers Guidelines